After receiving 4 tender documents, Wheelscape was awarded the contract for the MK II skate ramp, phase A. Work was due to commence mid September (weather permitting) so hopefully it is progressing well. Whilst it is anticipated to have the new ramp open by October half term, the Launch/Official opening will be on Saturday 12 November 2011 at 11.00 am. The Mayor will be in attendance to cut the ribbon and of course all residents are welcome to attend. The more the merrier.
An application has been submitted a Local Member’s grant (KCC Councillor Homewood) for £2,500 towards the project and also another has been submitted to TMBC for £5,000.
Processes are under way to endeavor to secure further funding so that Phase B of the skate ramp can progress in the not too distance future. Fingers crossed.
Former Fleur de Lys Site: 125 Rochester Road: Erection of 8 residential units comprising of four bedroom detached dwellings and 2 three bedroom semi-detached with associated access and parking facilities. It is the Parish Council’s understanding that TMBC granted permission for the above. However, it is subject to a legal agreement between the developer and the Borough Council which can take up to 8 weeks to come through.
As you are aware the Queen celebrates her 60 years on the throne in June 2012. The Parish Council is seeking suggestions on how the village can celebrate this special event. If you have any suggestions or ideas, just let me know (contact details below).
If you have any items that you would like the Parish Council to discuss, just give me a call on 01622 609324, e-mail me on pam@burhampc.co.uk or come along to the monthly meetings, normally held the last Monday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 31 October 2011, 7.30 pm in the Old School Community Centre, Corner of Rochester Road/Bell Lane.
Pam Saunders - Clerk