
Many thanks are due to the following people who have contributed material for use on this Website:

Mr Stuart Adams (Havering Numismatic Society,  Hornchurch Essex - contact Stuart here)

The Reverend Elizabeth Walker (Former Rector of Burham and Wouldham)

Mik Cable (Leader of Burham Parish Council)

The late Mrs Betty Reynolds (Former Leader of Burham Parish Council)

David Young (Former Leader of Burham Parish Council)

Suzanne Corbie (Former Parish Clerk)

Neil Howlett (Former Rural Warden)

Michael Swaisland (Former Landlord of the Fleur-de-Lys public house)

Terry Baker (Burham's resident Quizmaster)

Darren and Lanie Emptage (Local Residents)

The late Brian Wilkins (Local Resident)

Sean and Tina Rowe (Burham Wado-Ryu Karate Club/Local Residents)

Piers Morgan (The Medway News)

Keith Thompson (Local Resident)

Maidstone Photo Factory Ltd.

Nigel Streets (Local Resident)

Theresa Marie Lewis (Local Resident and ex-Manageress of the Toastmaster Inn)

William and Joanna Lambe (Regular Customers at the Windmill)